Kevin/NB7O & Michelle/K7MGO
29759 Bridge Rd
Hermiston, Oregon 97838


Bridge Road Weather Station Data

Weather Forecasts

WX Pacific Ocean Satelite Images

WX Atlantic Ocean Satelite Images

Satelite Keplarian Table

Current Wind / Precipitation / Temperatures for Oregon, Washington and Idaho

El Nino / La Nina information

Oregon Road Cams I-84 and I-205 corridors we commonly use
Links to Oregon, Idaho, Washington road cams also

About Kevin

About Michelle

How to Set Up
an APRS Igate using APRX
And a Raspberry PI 2 or 3

Our APRS & Weather Station

How to Set Up
a Mesh Node

Mesh network

Mesh Networking Files to Download

Files to help set up a weather station using WeeWx software on a Raspberry Pi

Winlink Help Files to Download

What is Winlink? A short informative video

Hams in Emergencies A short informative video

The New VARA sound Card Mode for Digital Communications A short informative video

USCG Retired
Maritime Amateur Radio Operator
Past Yacht Club Commodore

Kevin / NB7O & Michelle / K7MGO

We invite you to join us for RVing, Amateur Radio, Genealogy, Music and other topics listed on this site.

Scroll down for more pictures

Kevin and Michelle with the Blue Mountain Old Time Fiddlers at the Union, Oregon Fiddle Show

Kevin and Michelle - known to like a good waltz tune

Kevin and Michelle Opening the Umatilla County Fair with Friends

Kevin and Michelle's last cruising sailboat - an O'Day 27' 272

Our O'Day 272 under sail at the Coos Bay Yacht Club in Oregon - Kevin is on the bow working with the gennaker -

Tom Hedgepeth is at the helm - George Meyers is on deck manning the winches and halyards

Kevin and Michelle setting up camp at the amateur radio gathering "Quartzfest" in the desert near Quartzsite, Arizona

Kevin and Michelle joined by Jim (AA7AZ) and Nikki (N7OOV) Davis at Quartzfest